BOOK 6 # 578
Welcome Home League
Yarra Glen
30th June 1921.
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of the 1st inst. I am instructed to inform you that the Council has decided to grant permission for the erection of a monument to fallen soldiers on a piece of land 12 ft. squ. Forming portion of the road, immediately in front of the Victoria Hall, Yarra Glen.
With reference to your request for assistance towards defraying the cost of the memorial I have to inform you that the Council will be pleased to contribute £ 20.
BOOK 6 # 591
Mr. G. M. Hatfield
Hon. Sec. Progress League,
Yarra Glen.
21 July 1921.
Dear Sir
In reply to your letter of the 17th ult. I am instructed to inform you that the Council will be pleased to unertake the maintenance of the trees and tree-guards, provided that your association will erect guards sufficiently substantial to afford full protection of the trees from travelling stock.
BOOK 6 # 599
Mr. S. W. Ramsay
Welcome Home Committee
Yarra Glen.
1st August 1921.
Dear Sir,
Your letter of the 12th ult. Relative to the permission granted to your Committee to erect a memorial in front of the Victoria Hall at Yarra Glen was placed before the Council at the meeting held today. In reply I am directed to inform you that it is desired by the Council that the land be vested in Trustees selected by the residents of Yarra Glen and the surrounding district.