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Yarra Glen Sub-branch

Returned and Services League of Australia

Lest We Forget

Yarra Glen War Memorial

South Face
J. Irvine
J. Jell
A. McLeod
L. McLeod
H. Marshall
S. Mills
J. Pickering
S. Smedley
R. Waight
J. Wilson
D. Shillito,
East Face
This monument is erected by the citizens of Yarra Glen and District under the auspices of Welcome Home League to perpetuate the memory of the men who gave their lives in the
Great War
World War II 1939-45
Unveiled 8 October 1921
North Face
J. Armstrong

The monument was unveiled on 8th October 1921, originally at the intersection of the Melba Highway and the Healesville Road. It was moved to a location in front of the Memorial Hall in 1998. It now stands in the McKenzie Reserve, 20 ANZAC Avenue

Yarra Glen War Memorial
Current Monument location
20 ANZAC Avenue in the McKenzie Reserve
Melway p275-A1
The Yarra Glen Welcome Home League.


of a Monument Erected in Memory
of the District Soldiers who paid the
Supreme Sacrifice in the Great War.

YARRA GLEN.          Cr. C H. BATH, J.P., President
   October 8, 1921.   S. W. RAMSAY, Hon. Sec.

O pause for a moment wheree'r you may be
  Who breathe the sweet air of this land of the free
And ponder the question ; What more could they give,
  Whose fate was to die that the Nation should live?
To-day, where the Yarra flows down from the Glen
  And spreads its wide waters o'er moorland and fen,
In honor of those whose brave spirits are flown
  The people unveil their- memorial stone,
Its tapering finger that points to the sky
  Shall carry their names to the Throne up on high,
And - firm as their hearts when they fronted the fo' -
  Shall tell of their deeds through the ages below
So think of the hearts that are mourning to-day
  For heroes who sleep in a land far away,
And stand for a moment with uncovered head
  While Yarra Glen district pays court to its Dead


Yarra Glen and District Monument Dedication

BOOK 6 # 578

Welcome Home League
Yarra Glen
30th June 1921.

Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of the 1st inst. I am instructed to inform you that the Council has decided to grant permission for the erection of a monument to fallen soldiers on a piece of land 12 ft. squ. Forming portion of the road, immediately in front of the Victoria Hall, Yarra Glen.

With reference to your request for assistance towards defraying the cost of the memorial I have to inform you that the Council will be pleased to contribute £ 20.

BOOK 6 # 591

Mr. G. M. Hatfield
Hon. Sec. Progress League,
Yarra Glen.
21 July 1921.

Dear Sir
In reply to your letter of the 17th ult. I am instructed to inform you that the Council will be pleased to unertake the maintenance of the trees and tree-guards, provided that your association will erect guards sufficiently substantial to afford full protection of the trees from travelling stock.

BOOK 6 # 599

Mr. S. W. Ramsay
Welcome Home Committee
Yarra Glen.
1st August 1921.

Dear Sir,
Your letter of the 12th ult. Relative to the permission granted to your Committee to erect a memorial in front of the Victoria Hall at Yarra Glen was placed before the Council at the meeting held today. In reply I am directed to inform you that it is desired by the Council that the land be vested in Trustees selected by the residents of Yarra Glen and the surrounding district.

Yarra Glen War Memorial
Monument at the Memorial Hall
ANZAC Avenue at Bell Street
Melway p275-A1

Yarra Glen and District Monument
Picture of the Monument about time of its dedication

Thanks to Eric Tetlow for uncovering the history of this and other veterans memorials.
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