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Search for Retail Outlets and Service Vendors In and Around Yarra Glen
(Locale noted after the name if not in Yarra Glen proper)

Business names starting with "C..."

BusinessBusiness Category
Cabernet Cottage at Fergusson of Yarra Glen  (Dixons Creek)Bed & Breakfast and/or Self Contained Cottages
Cafe Caballo  (Coldstream)Restaurants
Caltex Star Mart  (Yarra Glen)Fuel Station
Campbell Floats  (Yarra Glen)Camping Supplies
Centrelink  (Lilydale) Show location of CentrelinkGovernment - Commonwealth
Chateau Yering  (Yering)Hotel/Motel
Chateau Yering  (Yering)Restaurants
Cheesefreaks of Healesville  (Healesville)Restaurants
Cherry Blossom B&B  (Healesville)Bed & Breakfast and/or Self Contained Cottages
Chris Fletcher  (Yarra Glen)Nurseries
Chris Lowe  (Dixons Creek)Wineries by Appt
Chum Creek Cottage  (Healesville)Bed & Breakfast and/or Self Contained Cottages
Clearly Better Cleaning  (Lilydale)Cleaning Services
Coldstream Auto Service  (Coldstream)Auto - Repairs and Service
Coldstream Family Practice  (Coldstream)Medical Clinic
Coldstream Hills  (Coldstream)Wineries
Coldstream LPO & Newsagency  (Coldstream)News Agent
Coldstream Pharmacy  (Coldstream)Pharmacy
Coldstream Timber & Hardware  (Coldstream)Hardware & Timber
Commonwealth Bank  (Yarra Glen)Bank
Cooinda Estate  (Dixons Creek)Wineries by Appt
Coombe Farm Vineyard  (Yering)Wineries
Corniola Wines  (Dixons Creek)Wineries by Appt
Cosmo Wines  (Lilydale)Wineries
Country Fire Authority  (Yarra Glen)Government - State
Cow Shed Pottery  (Yarra Glen)Art Gallery

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Method 3. To select a business by name, enter part of the business name below:


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