Services Brochure

Yarra Glen and District Living and Learning Centre, Inc.

Yarra Glen Community
Reading Room

Yarra Glen Community Reading Room

Our Facility Below are some of our featured workshops. View our term program for the complete offerings

Click image above for more details

The Yarra Glen & District Living & Learning Centre has existed as an incorporated not-for-profit organisation since 1985. The Centre is run by a Committee of Management, who are all volunteers, and a paid Office and Program Co-ordinator.

The original aim of the Centre was to provide a place for people to come together in an atmosphere of equality, to share their skills and experiences and to enjoy each other's companionship while doing so and has remained the Centres guiding theme.

Read more about our history by clicking on 'About Us' to the left.

Term 1/2 brochure - click to read

Community Garden Team at work and some at play, all welcome to join our monthly Monday gatherings


Yarra Ranges Council

Neighnourhood Houses Victoria

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